Tuesday, May 29, 2012


.This weekend my family and I planted our vegetable garden. It is not a small garden, it’s like huge. 20 ft by 18 ft to be exact. I hate gardening standing out in the sun, pulling weeds! What for? Oh yes for our rabbit and deer population to eat it all before I get the chance too. During which I get sun burnt! I understand learning to grow your own food but really I don’t even get to eat anything I grow, my parents then can everything and save it for the next year we eat nothing fresh. That is what upsets me the most, that I cannot consume any of my hard work.

Friday, May 25, 2012

The loss

As I wake up, I see a world that is lost in fear and sorrow.
How can anyone hate their own kind this much?
We are all created equal, yet we look down upon our neighbors
We judge by the outside not by their individuality.
We will keep failing if we do not change our ways.
I still wake up every day and see no change
It is heart breaking that we are so blind
That we do not see our own mistakes,
We have committed the crimes as our forefathers
And I fear for humanity that we will never change.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Lost in choices

I am going on my way in life and I have no idea what I want to do. I have a general field but nothing but that. Eveyone is going to college and knowing exactly what they want to do, what major they want to take. I am just stuck. I do not know if I want to be lawyer, a history curator, or even a doctor. Is it okay to go into college undeclared?

Monday, May 14, 2012

The End of the Play

I just finished a Shakespearean play of the "Merry Wives of Windsor" and I believe the show went extremely well. I played the role of the Hostess and I loved every moment of it. At first I thought the show was going to be an absolute disaster, we hardly had full cast rehearsals, and everyone of us talked freakishly fast, or did not remember our lines. But when most people perform a show it comes together perfectly a few days before the opening night. I am glad that I choose to perform in the play. Not only because it will be my last show in high school, but I had the opportunity to be someone else other than myself for a change.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Not so College Plans

I know most people will be leaving for college before the end of summer, but I am taking a semester off to find myself. I am not going to stay at home and do absolutely nothing. I am planning to do something a bit more adventurous. I am going to Africa on mission trip. I am super excited for it. I get to go and help individual find peace and joy within themselves through God. I am planning to mainly focus on orphanages and the younger generation, because I feel like I will be able to relate to them on a more personal level then, the individuals who are older than I am. Still I am terrified. I have a HUGE fear of snakes and when I see a snake I scream and run away. When I am in the jungles I do not think that plan will work out. I just need to get over the fear of them by late August; I have no idea how though. Still, I am willing to put my fear aside to help people when their problems are actually more important than my fear.

Monday, April 23, 2012

College Choices

I went on a bunch of college visits over my spring break and a couple things scared me. A lot. In one of my college visits hazing was allowed on campus. The seniors had the “opportunity” to humiliate freshmen, anytime or anywhere. I think that is just wrong.  It is harmful to the individual it ruins their self-confidence about themselves. Also the college encourages it, and helps them out sometimes. Some people might not view it as hazing but if it makes individuals uncomfortable then they should be opted out of the activity. Another college allows opposite sex to room on the same floor. That would not be a problem if they were not living side by side, which is a little risky. I will admit I am a little sheltered but that just seems to open up to many problems that could occur for the beginning of your high school career. I need to make a decision soon, but I still do not know where I want to go.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Book Report

Imagine a world without books, for some it might be easy others it would be devastating. This world is Guy Montag’s, and his job is to burn the books that citizens keep and burn their houses along with it. Ironically he is a fireman. Until one little girl starts to open his mind, and he witness someone dying alongside with her books. He realizes, something is wrong and the truth is hidden in the books. Once he starts reading the restricted books he realizes just how horrible life is now, and wants to change life back to the way it was. His wife Millie is as brainwashed as you can get. Always watching television and talking to her “family.” Guy then turns to the only man he can think of and it might cost him everything to find this man. Faber knows more than the government wants him too, but knows how to hide it better than most, and with his help Guy is able to see what life can be like. Only he is too late to save others in his town, the firemen are chasing him, and he might not even be able to leave the city alive. Even if he did where would he go?
The main theme of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury has two themes one Bradbury was aiming for and what society took it as. Bradbury has stated that the novel is not about censorship; he states that Fahrenheit 451 is a story about how television destroys interest in reading literature. Television had just come out and everybody would sit and watch it endlessly. Even today a lot of people watch a lot of television and for what purpose? Television producers need to make money, so they try everything to get you hooked and that then you are addicted to the show or the movie and will watch things similar to it. With television on the rise, books start to dwindle in importance. Books do not have surround sound, or your favorite actors and actress. That is why a number of people turn away from them and go to movies and television. Where they feel connected to the characters and feel what they do and a “higher” level. Books are becoming less popular even today. What Bradbury feared is becoming a reality. With books being taken out of our lives our imagination dwindles and soon will become non-existent. Today libraries are closing because not enough revenue occurs. Now with Nooks or Kindles reading has increased slightly but not enough to make a real difference.
Society received it as how the government wants to control every aspect of your life and take away your freedoms. With books it allows people to imagine the unimaginable, gives people a since of purpose or a reason to life. If books were destroyed by the government they could fill your head with what they want you to believe and only that. During this time Communism was on the rise and everybody feared that the government would make us all one. Even today a lot of people today fear that the government already has to much control in our economy or our everyday life. Books allow you to freely think and give the reader ideas and hope, if the government did over take our society then they could destroy our hope and fill our heads with their ideas they want us to have.
One major literary element in this novel is symbolism. Books symbolize ideas, freedoms and hope, with the government banning theses it is like they are taking away our hope and beliefs and giving you very little to hope and care for. The fire in the novel where the burn books and there home is away to kill the peoples hope. to vanquish any chance of a rebellion, to go back to when intellectual thinking is the normal way of life not allow people to think for you. Imagery also plays an important role by showing you what the world has turned into. That people do not really resemble people anymore, or their homes with entire walls that are television screens and people watch them all the time, that is what they do. Imagery gives the reader an insight to their everyday lives so you can feel like you are there and really understand what is going on in Guy's life.
This book is actually really interesting; it gives you insight into an unimaginable world.  The book is really good at describing everything, the scenery, the characters emotions and what they are thinking at a given moment. With this gift we are able to look into their lives and see what they see. The scenery shows you how much America has changed when the government to absolute control. How everyone started to act the same and look the same. Even if you looked a little bit different you fixed it or were forced to. Bradbury is very good at explain thing to their entirety. Making sure the reader understands what is happening and for what reason. The bad part of the novel was there was no action till the end when everything goes south. Then suspense occurs and you just keep reading. In the beginning it was incredible boring. Bradbury just continued the same day for a while and the readers understand what life is supposed to be like but are very boring and incredibly long. Also it was written in a different period of time, so the language is a little weird. It is just take getting used to, so that part is boring because you do not fully understand their language, but then again people from that time period probably could not understand us as well, so it is fair. I would suggest this book, the world Bradbury is explain we are slowly falling in to. We should know what our life would be like if the government did regulate our lives. The book is a survival guide and a horrible nightmare, when who we are is taking away from us. Reading this book even if it is old fashioned will give everyone something to think about. One of the themes will truly impact their lives, and hopefully that world will never exist.